AS6496, the SAE standard for Authorized Distribution, has gone out for ballot. This new standard will enhance authorized distribution and give customers a clearer picture on Authorized Distributors. Mouser is a 100% authorized distributor of genuine authentic commercial off the shelf (COTS) semiconductors, electronic components and parts, electronic supplies and test equipment. Even the scope of our QMS says authorized.
AS6496 also covers ALL products we distribute. Customers want to hear an authorized distributor say everything is genuine and authentic. I mean when it comes to authorized distribution purchasing, discipline, inventory control and traceability are what counts. Whether you're distributing components or clothes, the principles are the same.
Chuck is the Vice President of Quality at Mouser Electronics. He has been with Mouser 14 years. In Quality Management 30 years. He serves on three SAE G-19 Committees for AS5553, AS6081 and AS6496. In addition to Quality Management, Chuck also manages Environmental, Export Compliance, Legal and Contract Review. His hobby is his 1969 Roadrunner and Trail Running.